Wednesday 25 February 2009

How it all began

It's been more than a week since this edition came out, but was only tempted to download it when I saw that they interviewed Jimmy Lai, Asian businessman, media mogul and founder of both Next Media and Giordano.

The Lai interview itself was a bit of a letdown - I think Tyler Brûlé spoke more than Lai did - but the issues covered in the program - namely Taipei, pop/idol culture in South Korea and heritage preservation in Hong Kong, were spot on. I was extremely impressed by the relevance of the content and the authority with which this international magazine spoke about my region. So much so that I realised there seems to be a gap in the market and the blogosphere for indigenous English-language reportage from an international perspective.

The last sentence there might have appeared self-contradictory, but it's not. We need to look at ourselves in a mirror, through an outsider's lenses.

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